
Posts Tagged ‘sri lanka vs india’

Final Battle Between India Vs Srilanka

April 2, 2011 1 comment
Final Battle Between India Vs Srilanka

Final Battle Between India Vs Srilanka

This is the great chance of winning world cup for India and for Srilanka too,so we can expect an great battle between this two teams.Match will be held at mumbhai stadium at 2.30pm.This might be sachin last world cup players are expect to win the cup for legend.There will be an change in both the teams,nehra will not be playing today’s match and mathew’s on srilanka.The seemer Chaminda vaas has been called for the today’s match.Both the teams are in strong line up but in the end anything can be happen.After 23 years India has got the best chance to win again the world cup,as they have missed the chance in 2003 against Australia in the final.The Indian tigers have full faith on there confidence on there line up,but will they smash srillanka hope we have to wait for few hours.India vs Srilanka live telecast click here